Onewheel GT recall program #blog #onewheel

Onewheel GT Front Footpad visszahívás

Rengeteg videót és blogbejegyzést lehet látni a Onewheel GT Ghosting Issue-ról. Mi is az a Ghosting? A Onewheel nem kapcsol le, mikor a rider leszáll a deszkáról, hanem tovább halad irányíthatatlanul az ismeretlen felé, amiből könnyen baleset születhet. Ez a hiba a Front Footpad érzékenysége miatt jön elő.

A Future Motion egy hivatalos közleményt adott ki, ami a 2022 május – 2022 július között kiszállított deszkákra érvényes. A beérkezett jelentések alapján, a deszkák 4%-át érinti a hiba. A visszahívás keretein belül a Front Footpad-et kell újra cserélni.

A gyártó a 2022 júliusa után szállított deszkákat már a javított Footpad-del küldi.

A visszahívást a oldalon lehet érvényesíteni, illetve mi is szívesen segítünk az ügyintézésben!


APPSolute Sport csapata

Dear Onewheel GT Owner,

We are announcing a voluntary recall of front footpads for the Onewheel GT, in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, following reports that the GT was continuing to operate after the rider had dismounted. With approximately 20,000 affected units sold, we received 813 reports of board operation after dismount, including 11 injuries such as bruises, friction burns, and a twisted ankle.

The front footpad in the Onewheel GT can fail to disengage after the rider has dismounted while the board is in motion and the Onewheel can unexpectedly continue to operate, posing an injury hazard to bystanders.

Below are instructions to help you determine if your Onewheel is affected by this recall. Please stop using your Onewheel GT until the footpad has been replaced if eligible.

In order to ensure all of our Onewheel GT owners can ride with confidence, we have made design changes to the front footpad’s pressure sensitive sensor to address this issue. Every new GT currently being built ships with these updated footpads installed.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or concern this has caused. Building hardware for a futuristic boardsport has its challenges. We want to let you know that we care deeply about delivering an amazing product to you, and that our small team is working incredibly hard to ensure that you can ride your Onewheel GT with confidence.


Onewheel Team

Buy or rent a Onewheel in Budapest

Are you looking for Onewheel products but you can not buy these in your country?

We can ship Onewheel boards and acessories not only to Hungary but also to the following countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia.

Of course you can also visit our store in Budapest and rent a Onewheel for test ride before buying it. Or if you would explore Budapest on Onewheel:

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more info:

Onewheel Belgrade, Bucharest, Ljubljana, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Zagreb

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